Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ok, so I'm likely the most impatient person you'll come across. Well, really it depends on the situation per se' and if I'm hungry, or tired, or both (watch out!). I guess I'm pretty lucky that my boyfriend so happens to think it's a cute quality of mine, and tends to tease me about it so that I snap out of it pretty quickly. So we made Eurovision zines two weeks ago as part of a group zine'making thing that Sticky ( organized. Where we each got given a country to cover, and make a zine about, over a period of three days then we had to make copies for everyone who participated (38ppl) post them to Sticky, whom collects them all then posts  the goodies to us. Well, I'm still waiting by my letterbox, a few people got slack and didn't send them in by the due date so we're all awaiting by our letterboxes, *sighz*.  As for the Pink Royal, well it's my dream typewriter, I've found two for sale but they are very fucking-pensive. But, I can't stop thinking about owning one. Ah, shit. 

1 comment:

Erika said...

That typewriter is beyond perfect.